Shining brightly on the global stage, Heping Island Park became a winner of the 2020 Singapore Good Design - and provides a national-day special offer

  • 2020-10-23
  • Admin Admin
Shining brightly on the global stage, Heping Island Park became a winner of the 2020 Singapore Good Design - and provides a national-day special offer
Something great has happened to Heping Island Park again! For its visual identity operated by North Coast and Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration under the Tourism Bureau, MOTC, Heping Island recently became a winner of Singapore Good Design Mark in 2020. The park’s administration has devoted itself to instilling new life into old attractions since it took up such missions. By building a visual identity deeply rooted in local culture and centering on sustainable tourism, the team has successfully introduced Heping Park to the world. Not only that the locals now identify much more with the park. The park has not become the first and only tourist attraction in Taiwan that wins a global design award with its visual identity. 

Receiving Singapore Good Design Mark means Heping Island Park is one more inch closer to becoming a global-level geological park. For one thing, “Zero Waste,” a micro-exhibition launched in September on waste management, aims to provide visitors with a more sustainable travel option, whilst making Heping Island an “island of sustainable tourism.” Additionally, in celebration of the Double Tenth Day, those who were born on October 10 can enter the park for free on that day, upon presenting their IDs. Visitors young and old are cordially invited to explore the park’s natural ecology, geological formations, and local culture. Let’s feel Heping Island’s endless vigor and vitality as a sustainable park.