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Traffic and Contact Information

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Flight Information
Uni Air operates round trip services between Songshan Airport and Nangan, and round trip services between Songshan Airport and Beigan. Flying time is around 50 minutes.
There is a round trip service between Taichung Airport and Nangan. Flying time is 65 minutes.
Uni Air : Tel:02-25185166(Taipei), 0836-26511(Nangan), 0836-56578(Beigan)
Flying time around 50 minutes
Telephone Reservation (Phone) Number 
SongShan Airport 02-25185166 
NanganAirport 0836-26511 
BeiganAirport 0836-56578 
Front Desk (Phone) Number
NanganAirport 0836-26522 
NanganAirport 0836-26522
Flying time around 65 minutes
Telephone Reservation (Phone) Number 
TaichungAirline 04-26155199 
NanganAirport 0836-26511 
BeiganAirport 0836-56578
Front Desk (Phone) Number
TaichungAirline 04-26155188 
NanganAirport 0836-26522 
BeiganAirport 0836-56576
Ferry Schedule
The Taima Ferry is the main form of marine transportation between Keelung, Dongyin and Nangan’s Fuao Harbor. Sailing times can be affected by the weather or maintenance.
Shinhwa Navigation Co. Ltd operates a scheduled ferry between Matsu , Nangan and Dongyin. The Taima Ferry does not sail on Tuesdays to allow maintenance to be carried out and it is replaced by a ferry chartered by the military. The Taima Ferry departs from Keelung at21.50pm
Odd day : First to Nangan’s Fuao harbor, sailing time is about 10 hours. After passengers disembark/ embark and cargo is unloaded/loaded the ferry continues on to Zhongzhu Harbor, Dongyin, then returns to Keelung.
Even days:The ferry first docks at Zhongzhu Harbor, Dongyin, sailing time being about 8 hours proceeds to Fuao harbor, then returns to Keelung.
Sailing Time:
Taiwan->Matsu:Buy ticket at 7:30pm, board at 9:00pm, depart from Keelung at 9:50pm, sleep on the boat. Sailing time 8-10 hours.
Nangan->Taiwan:Buy ticket at 7:30am, board boat at 8:30am, depart from Nangan at 9:30 am, arrive at Keelung 5-6.30pm.
Dongyin->Taiwan:Buy a ticket between 2pm and 5pm the previous day from the Laoye Hotel. Board the ferry at 11am on even days and 6 am on odd days. Arrive at Keelung 5pm-6.30pm
Ferry departure point:
2 floor, Gangxi Street, Keelung City(west bank passenger dock 2nd floor waiting room)
Sailing time between Taiwan and Nangan is around 10 hours Sailing time between Nangan and Dongyin is about two hours Dongyin to Taiwan is about eight hours If the airport is closed, sailing time from Fuao harbor will be delayed by one hour. Due to sea conditions, currents and fog the arrival time of the Taima ferry can differ by up to an hour. If the wind and waves exceed Grade 10 the serve will be suspended. Travelers should check with Shinhwa Navigation Co to confirm if the service is operating normally before setting off.
Telephone:(Keelung)02-24246868,(Matsu)0836-26655,(Dongyin) 0836-77555
Supplementary information:
The trip takes 8-10 hours but the ticket is cheaper than a plane flight making the ferry the main method local people use to travel between Matsu and Taiwan.
Keelung Ferry departure point: 2floor, Gangxi Street, Keelung City(west bank passenger dock 2nd floor waiting room)
Please carry your ID or passport when you take the Taima Ferry. Travelers will be subject to an exit/entry inspection before boarding.

Contact information
Visitors Centers
There is a visitor center in every township of Matsu to provide information and help for tourists.
The headquarter office of Matsu National Scenic Area Administration is located in the Ren-ai village of Nangan.
Matsu National Scenic Area Administration ( 馬祖國家風景區管理處)
Address: No. 95-1, Ren'ai Village, Nangan
( 南竿鄉仁愛村95-1 號)
TEL: 0836-25631
Open Hours: 8:00 am-5:30 pm
Nangan Visitor Center ( 南竿遊客中心)
Address: No. 95-2, Ren'ai Village, Nangan
( 南竿鄉仁愛村95-2 號)
TEL: 0836-25630
Open Hours: 8:00 am-5:30 pm
Juguang Visitor Center ( 莒光遊客中心)
Address: No. 1, Fuzheng Village, Juguang
( 莒光鄉福正村1 號)
TEL: 0836-89388
Open Hours: 9:00 am-5:00 pm daily
Dongyin Visitor Center ( 東引遊客中心)
Address: No. 160-1, Lehua Village, Dongyin
( 東引鄉樂華村160-1 號)
TEL: 0836-77266
Open Hours: 8:00 am-5:30 pm daily
Beigan Visitor Center ( 北竿遊客中心)
Address: No. 47, Banli Village, Beigan
( 北竿鄉坂里村47 號)
TEL: 0836-56531
Open Hours: 8:00 am-5:30 pm daily
