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Yehliu Geopark is located in the north coast of Taiwan near Keelung city and has been one of the top visitor attractions in Taiwan. On the Taiwan map, Yehliu draws like a cape toward the northeast of Taiwan. This cape formed by geological forces pushing the Datun Mountain Range, which runs east-west along the north coast, up and out of the sea.
With the shape of long and narrow, from the entrance to the end point to the northeast of this Geopark, it is about 1.7 km of length, meanwhile, the widest distance is measured shorter than 300m. That partly explains the name of this Geopark – Yehliu as an abbreviation of the Spanish work “Punto Diablos” which means “devil’s cape”. Yehliu is famous worldwide for its wonderful and special landscape of honeycomb and mushroom rocks eroded by the sea which in our imagination can be seen as “Queen’s Head”, “Dragon’s Head”, etc. 

        The geopark consists of three main areas. The first area is from the entrance to Mazu cave dominated by landscapes of mushroom rock and ginger rock. Some typical geological visiting points are Ice Cream Rock, Candle Rock, Melting Erosion Panel, Ginger Rock, Mushroom Rock, and Experiencing Area of Rocks where you can improve lively your knowledge in geology of the development and transformation process of rocks under the erosion of waves and wind by time.     

        The second area derives from Mazu cave to Marine bird rock where the coastal process impacts deeply into landform and rocks develop into 4 main different formations including elephant rock, fairy’s shoe, earth rock and peanut rock. This area has considered as the most crowded visiting area because of its dense distribution of mushroom and ginger rocks which are flagships of Yehliu as the “Queen’s head”, “ Dragon’s rock”, etc.

          The third area from Marine bird rock to the end point is the wave-cut platform located on the other side of Yehliu. This area having one side of the platform is closely adjacent to steep cliffs while down below the other side is a scene of torrent waves. Several rocks of grotesque shapes and sizes that are incarnated as a result of sea erosion can be seen in this area, including the 24-filial piety hill, pearl rock and Marine Bird Rock. The third area also includes the major ecological reserve of Yehliu Geopark in addition to the said rock landscapes.